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Submission HAVELAAR-VAN HALST-1499 (Online)

Submission By Johanna Havelaar-Van Halst and W Just Havelaar
AddressCourtenay, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
Both of us are long-time and strong supporters of a voting system that would result in governments that reflect more or less accurately the wishes of the electorate.  MMP seems to us to come closest to the ideal form for BC. [1 page]

Submission Content
Both of us are long-time and strong supporters of a voting system that would result in governments that reflect more or less accurately the wishes of the electorate, thereby not only avoiding disasters like the 2002 provincial election, but resulting in governments that are stable, and leading to legislation that has a chance of surviving the changes in government instead of the wild swings that characterize the present system, where the most urgent task of a new government seems to be to undo everything the previous government had achieved.

The system that appears to be the choice of the Assembly organizers (I believe it is based on the New Zealand system) [MMP] seems to us to come closest to the ideal form for B.C.

[Entered online from a scanned document]

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